The next article on the social networking is all about how people portray themselves online. Are you really who you say you are? It is too easy just to make a whole bunch of things up about yourself to make you feel good when it's actually just a big lie. The problem with this is that too many people try to compare themselves to someone else instead of just being who they are and focusing on what makes them special. If people would stay true to their real selves, there would be less fake people out there in the world. This causes other people to get the wrong ideas about you and maybe even you believing that you are something that you are not. We just have to ask ourselves if this is really us when we get on the social media and post or describe ourselves.
In my opinion, social networking is a great thing because it allows you to connect with so many people so easily. You can keep in touch with long distance friends and family and see what is going on in each others lives. This is exactly what social media is for. I also believe that social media is a bad thing because it is so easy for people to lie about who they really are. I think that it has caused people to be even more scared to actually talk to people in public. Guys are too scared to talk to girls and actually ask them out on a date in person to their face without a phone to text and hide behind or a computer. I think that this is one huge problem with the social networking along with the other huge problem of cyber bullying, but again it is just people hiding behind a computer or phone instead of growing up and actually talking to someone or holding an actually conversation. I think that it is sad that it has come to this.
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I agree with you Wade. There are a lot of people who do try to be something they are not. Using a computer you can make yourself to be anyone you want. That is the reason so many teenage girls are decieved. They believe what they read because they trust people to be like them. I believe it is helpful for those who are unable to get out to visit friends. They are able to keep in touch. But it gives others an excuse not to get out and visit. Networking is good when used properly, however, there are so many times it is not.